Ayurveda is a 5000+ year old science originating in the Himalayan region of Northern India.

Ayurveda pays respect to the natural healing process assisted by optimal diet, lifestyle, and herbal protocols and emphasizes an individual’s unique equilibrium between Mind-Body-Soul.

soham sangha’s approach to Ayurvedic healing rests on the Vedic Philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: every being is a manifestation of same cosmic vibration.

soham sangha’s intention is to invoke the healer within you through the sharing of Vedic knowledge and to advance health, harmony, happiness, peace, and longevity.

Samadoshaha, samagnischa, samadhatumalakriyaha,
Prassannatmatmoindriyamanaha swastha ityabhidhiyiate
Su.Sa. 15.41

Health does not merely mean the state of not having a disease. Ayurveda considers health to be a balanced state of constitution (dosha), metabolic fire (agni), bodily tissues (dhatu), and waste processes (mala). Health is where soul (atma), all senses (indriya), and mind (manasa) remain connected in an excellent state of happiness.